Accelerating tech transfer for 
social impact with CBI A3

A³ is a Design Factory Melbourne initiative, which builds on earlier Challenge Based Innovation (CBI) pilots at IdeaSquare CERN, focused around using design innovation to develop outcomes that connect technology with societal needs in a tangible way.
Design Factory Melbourne developed CBI A³ for the Global Design Factory Network (DFGN). We aim to empower students with the mindset and skills to be change makers, imagining and realising futures that respect humans and our ecological systems.
We have a 6.5 month program of guided curriculum for student teams at Design Factories around the globe to take a UN SDG and explored in relation to their local context (e.g. Melbourne, Victoria). In 2018-19 possible solutions for 2030 were explored, featuring CERN technology to imagine a better future in relation to a particular UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).
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Address UN SDG’s using CERN technology and speculative design
Radical, disruptive innovation, Technology driven innovation. 
Deep Technology Speculative design, futures thinking + designing for the future Sustainability & Planet-centric design – societal need - SDGs
Complexity - systems design, behaviour change, implementation
However, another often overlooked issue is that bushfires cause poor water quality, which is also incredibly dangerous to our health. Between air and water pollution, hundreds of people die, and thousands lose access to fresh water each year.

When we started speaking about this issue, we quickly realised the best course of action would be to stop it at the source. By reducing fires and/or their impact of them, we can reduce the effects on Australia’s health by both water and air pollution. 

We’re not saying we can stop bushfires altogether, but during our fire season, embers can travel up to 40km from the original fire and causes rapid fire spread. 
We want to present our idea to help prevent ember attacks during bushfire season. 
At first, people can avoid assisting tech due to the stigma surrounding disabilities and acceptance. ‘A lot of the children I work with are reluctant to try new things, but that soon changes.’ In/on/over-ear headphones are often avoided by the visually impaired as it reduces one of their key senses.
 What is Endometriosis? 
Endometriosis is a common disease where tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows outside it in other parts of the body. More than 830,000 (more than 11%) of Australian women, girls, and those who are gender diverse suffer from endometriosis at some point in their life with the disease often starting in teenagers.  

Symptoms are variable and this may contribute to the 6.5 year delay in diagnosis. Common symptoms include pelvic pain that puts life on hold around or during a person’s period. It can impact fertility for some but not for all.   Whilst endometriosis most often affects the reproductive organs it is frequently found in the bowel and bladder and has been found in muscle, joints, the lungs and the brain. 

In an Australian government report, endometriosis is reported to cost Australian society $9.7 billion annually with two-thirds of these costs attributed to a loss in productivity with the remainder, approximately $2.5 billion being direct healthcare costs.

-From Endometriosis Aaustralia
We started off by creating a fictitious persona. Her name is Sienna, she is 29 years old and lives in rural Victoria. She has recently been diagnosed with Endometriosis, a chronic disease where tissue from the uterus grows outside of the uterus, causing inflammation, pain and reproductive problems.

We've visualised Sienna's journey to be diagnosed with endometriosis.
Sienna, like many girls will, start menstruating around age 12 or 13 and contraceptive medications are often prescribed to help symptoms of menstruation, including cramps, flow and cycle regulation.
This is not always effective; after a few years, painful cramps and irregular cycles impact Sienna's day-to-day life. 

Her symptoms include painful cramps, spotting in between periods and painful urination or bowel movements. Her doctors may prescribe her pain medications in varying strengths to ease these symptoms, and this continued cycle may encourage Sienna to find other doctors for second opinions.

Doctors may eventually request pathology tests or scans to help diagnose Sienna. Scans like ultrasounds and MRIs are commonly requested but often involve long wait times for an appointments in locations accessible, rural or not. These scans are also often inconclusive for many diagnoses, particularly for endometriosis, and leave the only one final option of an invasive laparoscopy surgery to view the internal reproductive system for proper diagnosis. These surgeries involve preparation, timing and recovery. The overall time for diagnosis of endometriosis spans an average of 8-10 years.
So why are diagnoses delayed? We came up with three primary reasons.
The factor we identified was limited accessibility to medical specialists and facilities. Particularly in Australia, where rural health care is quickly being left behind.
Research shows that per capita in Australia, rural areas have up to 50% less healthcare providers than major cities.
And the second factor we identified in delayed diagnosis causes is the stigma surrounding a number of health conditions. Currently, it is reported that 1 in 7 people are uncomfortable discussing symptoms with their doctor.
Limited accuracy with current technology. In regards to something like endometriosis, X-rays, ultrasounds and MRIs are often used for initial testing. Still, due to the varying ways endo presents in people, these tests currently aren’t 100% accurate.
Finally, we have invasive surgery, which is currently the only definitive way to diagnose endometriosis.
In 2030 we imagine a future where people have greater access to in-home health care.
Mediscan can provide both an internal and external digital 3d model of the area of concern. Medical professionals can then examine the scan before the consultation which allows them adequate time to make a more accurate diagnosis.
The scan can then be used in an advanced multi-material 3d printer to create a hyper-realistic model of the area. This allows patients to discuss stigmatic topics without embarrassment or invasive procedures openly.
A model such as this photo might assist patients in describing symptoms and abnormalities.
There are 2 technologies that will allow us to achieve this. 
Medipix 3 is the first colour 3D X-ray which allows doctors to distinguish different cells and tissues inside the body
Hyger - an infrared environmental scanning technology - can create 3D models of the outside of the body. 
We can see a future where Mediscan can add value to people's lives by reducing stigma and embarrassment by regaining control over a person's healthcare. Over time, Mediscan could help create a global database for further research and understanding women's health. This is particularly important in assisting with the early diagnosis of endometriosis, mitigating symptoms and stopping it from worsening throughout a woman's life.
Looking into phase 2 of this project, we plan to look further into the technologies' capabilities and further integration within our concept.
We want to interview and have deeper discussions with those with chronic health issues, such as endo.
As we see Mediscan being applied in the future not only to endometriosis but also to other health conditions, and would want to discuss it with doctors specialising in other health areas. 
We also plan to look at the lifecycle of the materials used in our multi-material 3D printer component.

Self contribution
I participated in this project’s idea generation and discussion sections. I submitted the two technology cards and four opportunity cards in the beginning. Then, at Cern, I provided ideas that were accepted by all team members and presented. (C.A.S.S.I.I.E tag for kids’ poison issue and hyger car glasses for road wildlife accidents). I joined the prototype sections and played as the patient, addictor, etc. In the final presentation at Cern, I was in charge of the slide design and presented multiple pages of hyger glasses. I also did the screen mode prototype for the hyger fire drone.
After that, I was in charge of research on at least five women’s chronic illnesses. The embedded Miro board is my research. Moreover, I came up with three reasons for a woman’s delayed diagnosis and found the supporting materials and articles. In addition, I combined two of my ideas (scan mirror and 3D printer) for the final presentation: Mediscan. Finally, I explained and discussed improving it with my team member. For the presentation, I was in charge of the structure of the slide content and making sure it made sense. Furthermore, I designed the presentation slides and white paper, as well as did the prototype mockup for them. In addition, I wrote most of the Problem Space on the white paper.

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